Seeds and Plant Propagation

Autumn Semester

Are you a student with a strong interest in propagating plant material for a sustainable agriculture and horticulture? Join our programme "Seeds and Plant Propagation" exclusively taught in English as an exchange student for one semester and obtain 30 ECTS.

Our Horticultural Engineering MSc Seeds and Plant Propagation is based on interdisciplinary courses that integrate biology, production technologies, conservation strategies, data management and experimental design along with business management, intellectual properties and regulations.

Venue: Angers, France
Period: From September to January

• Master 1 with a background in Plant sciences (Genetics, Physiology, Biochemistry, Plant pathology) and Basic statistics
• B2 level English proficiency

Application deadline: June 15th
How to apply ?

Plant Propagation


The objective is to train students into skilled professionals in all sectors of seeds and plant propagation. Our programme prepare students to access to attractive and diverse positions such as:

  • seed biologist and technologist,
  • plant pathologist,
  • production manager,
  • product development manager,
  • commercial technical representative,
  • customer service representative.

These positions may be hold positions in private companies in the R&D or marketing/legal divisions from small specialized companies to multinationals. You may also work for the public sector in technical institutes, syndicates, non-profit organisation as consultant, project manager. 

Programme Features

  • A unique programme located in the heart of the European leading area for the production of seeds and plant propagating materials
  • Active participation of professionals and academic partners from INRAE
  • All courses in English

Support offered by l'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

  • Single Welcome Desk
  • Free French Language Courses
  • Housing Support


Compulsory Teaching Units (TU)
TU Code ECTS Credits
TU 1 : Biology and management of seeds and propagation material AM2E-SIVSE02 10 More
TU 1 : Knowledge of the seed and plant propagation industry AM2E-SIVSE01 4 More
TU 3 : Seeds and clonal material production and postharvest technology AM2E-SIVSE03 8 More
TU 4 : Communication and action learning AM2E-SIVSE04 8 More

Teaching staff

Olivier Leprince

Dr. Olivier Leprince has been a Professor of Plant Physiology at Agrocampus Ouest since 2000 and is researcher at the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds, Angers (France). He has over 30 years of experience in seed physiology. His research focuses on Seed Longevity and Seed Banking, the genetic and molecular mechanisms regulating the acquisition of seed vigor and how it is impacted by stress during development. Dr. Leprince received a BSc in Botany and his PhD. in Plant Sciences from the University of Liège (Belgium) and a “Habilitation à Diriger des Rercherche” from the University of Angers (France). Dr. O. Leprince was a special visiting Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the São Paulo State University (UNESP, Brazil) from 2014 to 2018. He is the Associate Editor of Seed Science Research.

Academic Profile

Béatrice Teulat

Dr. Béatrice Teulat has been an Associate Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding at Agrocampus Ouest since 2005 and is researcher at the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds, Angers (France). She has around 20 years of experience in Seed and Seedling (eco)physiology and Genetics. Her research focuses on on (eco)physiological and genetic bases of seedling performance and plasticity in response to environmental changes during seedling establishment (e.g. variations in temperature and nutritional conditions, presence of microorganisms). Dr. B. Teulat received a MSc in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France), and her PhD. in Agricultural Sciences (Plant breeding) from the engineer school ENSAM of Montpellier (France). She received a “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from the University of Angers (France).

Academic Profile

Marie-Hélène Avelange-Macherel

Dr. Marie-Hélène Avelange-Macherel has been an Assistant Professor in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology at Agrocampus Ouest since 1998. She holds a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology form University of Clermont-Ferrand (France). Her research focuses on plant and seed physiology, lipid metabolism and protein biochemistry. She has a strong experience with several genetic models (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cyanobacteria, Arabidopsis thaliana, Medicago truncatula) and crops (pea). Her current research interest is the molecular and biochemical responses of seed and seedling mitochondria to heat and desiccation stress.

Academic Profile

Julie Bourbeillon

Dr. Julie Bourbeillon has been an Associate Professor in Computer Sciences at Agrocampus Ouest since 2009 and is researcher at the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds, Angers (France). She has over 20 years of experience in Information Technology. Her research focuses on knowledge engineering, large data sets analysis and visualization, image analysis and machine learning for plant phenotyping. She received an engineering degree (Bsc) in agronomy with an IT focus from INA-PG (now AgroParistech) and her PhD. in Computer Sciences applied to the biomedical domain from the University of Grenoble (France). Along her academic career, Dr. J. Bourbeillon also had experience in business, in IT service companies.

Academic Profile

Emmanuel Geoffriau

Dr Emmanuel Geoffriau is Professor in genetic diversity and agronomy of vegetable crops at Agrocampus Ouest and researcher at the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds, Angers France. His research deals with genetic diversity, management of genetic resources and genetic determinism combined with environment adaptation of quality traits. He has extended experience in vegetable crops including seeds and transplants. Dr E. Geoffriau received a Msc Ir in Horticulture and Plant breeding, and a PhD in Molecular and cellular biology from the University of Toulouse. He has previously worked in the seed industry in the USA. He is French representative to the International Society in Horticultural Sciences (ISHS) and serves as expert in various committees.

Academic Profile

Philippe Grappin

Dr. Philippe Grappin has been an Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology at Agrocampus Ouest since 2014 and is researcher at the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds, Angers (France). He has over 25 years of experience in Seed Molecular Genetics. His research focuses on Seed Defense Mechanisms and Seed Vigor, and the involvement of the hormonal control and secondary metabolism in pathogen seed transmission by the seed through germination process. Dr. P. Grappin received a BSc in genetics and his PhD. in Plant Sciences and a "Habilitation à Diriger des Rercherches" from the University of Paris XI Orsay (France). Dr. P. Grappin is the coordinator of the BIBIOS (Seed Biocontrol and BIOstimulation), a consortium involving INRAE and GEVES.

Academic Profile

Valérie Le Clerc

Dr. Valérie Le Clerc has been an Associate Professor in Seed and Vegetable Production at Agrocampus Ouest since 2005 and is a Researcher at the Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds Angers (France).
Her research focuses on resistance to bioagressors in carrot and more particularly on carrot resistance to leaf blight in order to understand the genetic and biochemical mechanisms of plant resistance and complementarity between constitutive and induced resistance. Dr. Le Clerc has a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Plant Biology from the University of Angers, France. She was visiting scholar at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh (NC, USA) in Plant Pathology Department for one year in 2014.

Academic Profile

Damien Rousselière

Dr. Damien Rousselière is a Professor of Economics at AGROCAMPUS OUEST, and a researcher in the SMART-LERECO associate chair, a joint research unit in agricultural economics with INRAE. He has been a Professor by courtesy at 2 Canadian universities, Université du Québec à Montréal (since 2010) and Laval University (since 2018), and a visiting research fellow at the University of Southern Indiana (USA).
He holds a Msc in Political Sciences (Sciences Po Grenoble, France), a PhD in Industrial Organization from the University of Grenoble and a “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from the University of Angers (France). Dr D. Rousselière is a specialist of Quantitative Methods Applied to the Industrial Economics of Cooperative, including performance, horizontal and vertical relations, and commitment of members. Involved in international research networks on cooperatives, he serves on the scientific council of La Coopération Agricole (French federation of Agricultural Cooperatives), and is a member of the International Scientific Commission of the CIRIEC, International Academic Association on the social, Cooperative and Public Economy.

Academic Profile